The reason groups like the "standfasters" and other who stood up to Ruthefords lies are said to have "faded and came to nothing", is because they were following RUSSELLS teachings. Russell was rabidly ANTI-ORGANIZATION. If a group was to follow the same course as the bible students then they would not be expected to grow to a 6-7 million member organization. Those who dropped away from the organization back then (and those who do today as well) have no choice if they want to be true to their heart. The organization will at times make quotes like this that seem to say that the size of the organization shows that it has God's holy spirit is directing them. That is a false assumption though. If size alone was the determining factor then I would have to say that God is giving much more holy spirit to the Catholic and Muslim faiths.
As far as how these small groups that broke away felt about organizing. Here are a couple of quotes from Russell that would shed light on their reasons for not becoming the BORG.
"Many men of many minds have favored more or less strict organizations, and so we find Christians throughout the world today organized on various lines and with more or less rigidity, and each claiming advantages for his particular denomination or system of government. This is wrong!… The tendency of the human mind is either toward anarchy on the one hand, or toward tight organization and bondage on the other. The divine arrangement, avoiding both of these extremes, marks out for the New Creation an organization simple in the extreme, and devoid of everything akin to bondage. Indeed, the injunction of the Scriptures to each individual Christian is, “Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Gal. 5:1 " Studies in the Scriptures Vol 6
"...we have pointed out continually the tendency of Christian people toward union, showing, too, that such a union is predicted in scripture; but that its results, while designed to be good, will really be bad; and this because it will be a mechanical union instead of a heart unity."--WT, Mar 1893, p. 1504
"The endeavor to compel all men to think alike on all subjects, culminated in the great apostasy and the development of the great papal system, and thereby the gospel, the one faith that Paul and the other apostles set forth, was lost - buried under the mass of uninspired decrees of popes and councils. The unity of the early church, based upon the simple gospel and bound only by love, gave place to the bondage of the church of Rome...Each new reform movement (like Protestantism) has made the failure of attempting to make a creed just large enough for its prime movers." --WT, Sep. 1893, p. 1572
Those groups stood by their conscience and did what they felt was right.